When: Wednesday evenings according to the Events page 7-8 pm EST
Where: online via Zoom
Why: We will spend an hour diving into God’s Word to learn about various core beliefs of historic Christianity.
Christian Beliefs Series Sign-Up
Thanks for your interest in the summer series entitled, "Christian Beliefs". Maybe you’ve been Christian awhile or perhaps you are new to this journey of faith. Join us in this interactive teaching series where we simply and clearly explore areas of the Biblical Christian faith together. Each week is a new topic. We will be using “Christian Beliefs” by Wayne Grudem as our guide but the purchase of the book is not required.
We will meet on most Wednesdays online throughout the summer. Refer to the calendar for specific dates/topics. Each meeting will last one hour and will be online from 7-8 pm EST. Fill out the form below and we will be in contact soon about joining.